Monday, February 3, 2014

Let Go...

I had one of those "ah-ha" moments earlier this month.  I am one of those people who worry about everything.  You'd never know it to look at me.  I've developed a calm, cool demeanor over the years.  Probably because I was a school administrator and you never want them to see you sweat!  But inside...worry, worry...worry...about kids, grandkids, home, family, job, name it, I worried.  I was starting to worry about being worried!  During one morning meditation, while reading Richard Rohr, I had the thought that I wasn't God....laugh if you want...but we all think we are.  Every one of us thinks we have to handle everything, have to oversee life for all, have to be super-competent in all things.  I realized that just wasn't true.  I realized that God could do that job very satisfactorily and that I could relax in that knowledge.  So...I tried it.  At my first worry...I prayed that God would watch over that person and then I let go and let God.  It worked!  Honestly, it takes practice to do this and lots of faith.  I am still learning, but in the learning, I also feel that faith grow..bit by bit.  I feel more at ease and I enjoy every single day.  Worries come and worries go...we are all human, but faith can and will take hold and free you.  Try it, you'll like it.