Friday, June 6, 2014

What Would You Do?

During Medieval times when kings and queens were dethroned regularly, the job of "food taster" was very least to the reigning monarch!

Recently some friends and I were talking about our Pope, Francis, and I remarked that I prayed for him every day because I could only imagine how many prelates in the Vatican would like to see him removed from office...whether by natural or unnatural means.  My friends couldn't believe that I thought any of the ordained would do a Pope comment!  They commented that maybe Pope Francis needed to reinstate the old position of "food taster".  We laughed and then one of them asked if I would take that job if it was available.  I immediately replied in the negative.  I said that I thought my life was as valuable as the Pope's.  They disagreed totally.  They felt that the Pope's life was more important than anyone else.  That they would take the job in a second for the common good.

I don't agree.  I believe that we are all made in God's image.  Because of this, our lives are all valuable.  We may have different skill sets, but that doesn't make someone more important than someone else.  I am not saying I am better than anyone, but what I am saying is that my life is worth just as much as the next person's.  Now, if someone was in danger, and that person was the Pope, I would take action to help him, as I would for anyone in that situation and I would hope that someone would help me if necessary.  But as for giving up my life for the Pope because he is the Pope and seemingly closer to God and more important....not a chance!  We are all close to God.  We all "count".  We all have a part to play in this life.  Without one of us, life changes.  Maybe if that was shown more in our churches we would take better care of each other.  But then again, our churches "talk the talk" but rarely "walk the walk".

What do you think?  Whould you take the job?