Monday, September 16, 2013

Watch Your Language!

What's in a word?  Words can convey many things.  Well written words tell us a story, let others know what we think, give support and joy. 

The words of prayers help us to focus on God and our relationship with Her.  You just went back and read that word "Her" didn't you?  Some just laugh...another crazy female!   But, go back and think about it.  Why do we always talk about God as "Him"?

Why do we continually use "mankind" when, in fact, we are referring to women and men?  Why do women stand by and accept this?

Why do we continue to teach the use of the "universal" term, man, when we mean everyone?

I have no answers, but I continue to wonder at this misuse of words.   The church continues to waste time and money on revamping the language of liturgies so that it translates directly from the Latin (the language of the oppressors of Jesus and Christians by the way).   Why?

So here's what I am my own small world.   I refuse to use the masculine when I mean the feminine.  I do not use an universal term to denote female and male.  If I mean men and woman, I say that or use terms like people, human, etc.  During liturgies, I also use inclusive terms and use "God" instead of "Father".  I continue to remind my college students that, as teachers, they need to be sensitive to this issue.

It's not much, I know.  But maybe my small actions will inspire others.   Let everyone know they are important...try it!

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