Saturday, October 12, 2013

Take that Leap...

I'm remodeling my kitchen...well, not me exactly, but I have a wonderful contractor.  The "me" part is responsible for making all of the design decisions and it's killing me!  So many choices out there.  After many weeks of looking at flooring, I finally went back to where I started and, lo and behold, I found a fabulous floor was on sale...can't beat that.  Now off for cabinets.  With my trusty four foot sample, I went everywhere...I just got dizzy.  My contractor suggested a new place that he thought was good.  Lugging my piece of floor and dragging a good friend with me for moral support, I entered the store. Turned a corner. And there they heart stood still.  Black wood cabinets.   They jumped out at me...spoke to me...I knew they were the ones.  But.....never would I have thought about black wood cabinets.  My friend and I discussed it.  We both agreed I had to take that leap....

Now here's the point of my wanderings...I was never the one to take the leap in my life.  I followed the path of least resistance.  After my divorce, with two children to raise and support, I kept to the path even more.  I would never dream of a leap.

But, when I think about my life, I have lept many times.  Getting married and having children is definitely a leap.  Getting divorced and being a single mom is a leap.  Leaving what I knew as a teacher and moving to the unknown of being a principal was a huge leap.  Leaving Catholic Schools and going to a Jewish Orthodox Day School was a leap and then moving to a public school district drove me off my path even more.

Now, in retirement, I realize that life in itself is a leap.  Every day presents opportunities.  I can let them pass me by or take advantage of them.  I've become an adjunct and teach all kinds of education courses.  I've increased my exercise.  I've taken an interest in eating healthy foods and learning to prepare them.  I've even started dating again.  And I'm remodeling my kitchen!

All of these are leaps of faith for me.  I've learned more about myself from each one.  And one thing I firmly believe is that, without these leaps, my life would be very bland.  Life opportunities color my world and I am determined to enjoy every one that comes my way.

What leaps have you made?  How frightened were you?  What did you learn?  

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